Exploring lucid dreams and the symbolism within dreams.
Part two with Brian on the Podcast. He is a dream walker and shaman that can control his dreams, lucid dream, and change what he is dreaming or going to dream about.
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Are you testing yourself to improve your ability to recall your dreams? Do you write down the symbols you see and look them up?
Common misconceptions regarding dreams:
Not being able to die.
Eating before bed will cause nightmares.
You cannot read in your dreams.
Only children have night terrors.
Is it possible to perceive alternate timelines during dreams?
In my personal opinion, I was informed that we are allowed to visit the timeline but not alter it or make choices. We are there to see or hear something important but it will not affect that timeline or our own.
What are your thoughts on Lucid dreaming? Have you ever experienced it? If so, do you play in your lucid dreaming like Brian, or is your mind too involved like mine and Candice's?
By becoming aware of your dreams, lucid dreaming can help you develop an awareness of your own mind and its contents while you are awake.
We all dream differently and get different messages every night. Some do not even remember their dreams, although we all do dream, you may just not remember it. Reminding yourself before sleep that you want to remember will help! You also may want to write it down when you get up before you start to move around.
If you want to practice feeling energy, Candice is sending positive energy. How do you feel? Do you feel anything? Can you feel it anywhere in your body?