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Exploring Unlearning Programs and Elevating Your Vibration: A Podcast Discussion

What is your go to music to increase your vibration? Do the lyrics effect your vibe?

When elevating your vibration, I believe the biggest thing, no matter what the lyrics say, is how you feel. If the song reminds you of a time that makes you depressed, then that is probably not a song that will make you get into a higher vibe. But spirit can give us messages in anything, even lower vibe music. So, if you have a song in your head, or a picture, movie, or a book, pay attention to that moment that is going over and over and try to hear what spirit is saying.

Fabulous mantra to repeat to get into a higher vibration:

Sing your favorite music
Sing your favorite music

This could also be a beautiful mantra for remembering how much strength you have. You are lovely, and amazing, and perfect the way you are.

Unlearning programs can be very difficult. We also talk a bit about learned helplessness. This is when you decide to just lay down and take something after being taught over and over again that there isn't anything you can do to change your circumstances.

Changing how we feel in a situation may be as simple as changing the music we're listening to. Starting small and letting that vibration take over, may allow you to change your circumstances. Listening to, watching, reading, doing all the things that make YOU feel better is where it's AT!

Unlearning is the highest form of learning

Just like learned helplessness, all the programs we're taught can be so deep in our brains that they're unconscious. Sometimes we don't even see or feel when we're being triggered or responding in a way that is programmed instead of what would be truly authentic to our soul without trauma. And that's okay! Unlearning can be difficult but it is totally possible!

Not only is it important to take care of our souls, it's important to take care of our bodies. Hence the Buff Muff chat. There's so much more in this podcast! Unlearning programs and elevating vibration below!

Check it out:



I'm Christina, your go-to spiritual coach who works with dragons to make your life easier and more fun! Are you ready to live a more fulfilling and joyful life? Let's work together and make it happen!

What's making me happy in the moment? Coloring!

Check out these pictures or my most recent coloring books if you like coloring too.

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