Happy Halloween, Day 3: Fear's Grip
You Got a Treat!
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Halloween thrives on fear—the thrill of haunted houses, spooky stories, and eerie decorations is all about experiencing fear in a controlled, safe, and often fun way.
“Fear’s grip” symbolizes that exhilarating rush we seek out during this holiday when we allow ourselves to feel the chill of the unknown. It’s about confronting what scares us, whether it’s the supernatural, the darkness, or things that go bump in the night.
Halloween gives us the opportunity to lean into our fears, knowing they’re temporary and that we can walk away feeling braver and more alive
To get your treat, just print and color these gorgeous kittens.
I hope you enjoy them. Please let me know in the comments below.
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Come back tomorrow for: Haunted by the Past
Did you miss yesterday's? Dark Desire